By Tammara Webber
3 out of 5
Book started out strong, plunging straight into the meat of the story. Jacqueline is a college aged girl, who is leaving a Halloween themed party early when a boy, Buck, corners her in her car and trys to rape her. A mysterious boy, Lucas, comes to her resucue and beats up Buck before he can do any real damage. After that, Jacqueline thinks that she can just move on, and forget the whole ordeal, but things are never that easy. Lucas is showing up everywhere, and she can't deny the attraction she feels towards him. But there are dozens of issues for Jacqueline and Lucas to get through if they really want to be together.
I did like this book, I've read a few books having to do with rape, Speak comes to mind first, and I think that all the ones that I have read are exepctionally well done, including this one. Very well written, and terribly realistic, the makeout/sex scenes are very graphic, leaving nothing to be imagined :)
By Nancy Holder & Debbie Viguie
2.5 out of 5
Holly Cathers was living a happy life until her parents and best friend died in a horrible rafting accident. Now Holly is living with her Aunt, Uncle and her two cousins. Holly just wants to go home, but then weird things start happening. Holly uncovers that she is a Cahors, a long line of powerful female witches, who have been locked in mortal combat with the Devereaux family since the 13th century. Luckily for Holly, the Devereaux are in town, and looking to end their blood feud for once and for all. But maybe there is hope. Jer Devereaux is not interested in his father's plan for total world domination. But will Holly be able to keep her power under control and keep all of her loved ones safe?
This is actually two books bound into one. When I finished the first one (Witch) I felt that the story did not have an ending, but I figured that was because the second book (Curse) was right there. Not so. Curse ended with the same abruptness and awkwardness that leaves the reader questioning what happened, but not begging for the next bit of the story. I liked the fact that the story was told from many different perspectives instead of one main character, but I didn't like that there were long passages of unnecessary description that did not really play into the story line.