Angels and Demons
By Dan Brown
3 out of 5
The first, and slightly lesser known, story of Robert Langdon's adventures starts out with a midnight call from a top secret location. Robert Langdon is summonded to scientific comunity CERNin Switzerland to aid in a murder investigation. Langdon's immense knowledge in the ancient Illuminatus cult is needed, but it seems that the Illuminati have resufaced, and they have lots of plans. The killing of Catholic Cardinals, and the ultimate destruction of Vatican City using one of CERN's own deadly creations. Will Robert Langdon be able to out smart the Illuminati and save the day? Or will he perish along with everything and everyone else in Vatican City?
I have wanted to read specifically The DaVinci Code, but really the entire series for a while now. I asked some people and they said to start with Angels and Demons instead of going straight to The DaVinci Code. I thought that the book was pretty good. It did lag a bit in spots, but when the action really got moving, it was hard to put down. Also, it kept me in suspense right until the end, I never saw it coming!
Just One Day
By Gayle Forman
4 out of 5
Allyson is a follower. She has followed her mother's every wish, and has never strayed. And she's never really wanted to. But on a summer trip with her best friend to Europe that's all going to change. In Shakespeare's own England, Allyson meets Willem. Tall, mysterious, and very charming, the Dutch boy steals Allyson's attention when she first sees him perform A Twelfth Night. But then when he's on Allyson's train the next day, is it an accident? Or fate? As Allyson and Willem take on a 24hour whirlwind adventure through the streets of Paris the question turns to the inevitable, can you fall in love with someone in one day? And how well can you ever really know anyone?
I thought that this book was so cute and it was such an enjoyable read. I have read Gayle Forman's other books If I Stay and Where She Went and I would say that all of her books have the same style. The are such easy reads, that you don't even feel the pages sliding past your fingertips. And when you finally get to the end, you fell hollow and empty because you don't want the stories to end. Just One Day was the same way. I loved every word, and when I finished I couldn't believe that it was already over. I will say that the first section of the book has all the aspects of a great love story, but then the second section is like a completely different book. It does all get pulled together, but it was a little sketchy there for a moment. I can't stand anyone wallowing in their own pity, so I was glad that Allyson got over that right quick. Can't wait for Just One Year to see Willem's side of the story, and hopefully find out what happened after the kind of cliffhanger ending!
Beautiful Disaster
By Jamie McGuire
3.5 out of 5
Abby Abernathy came to Eastern University to escape her dark past and start fresh. Abby and her best friend, America are the only one's who know about Abby's past, and they plan to keep it that way. In the beginning it works. Abby is the picture of the perfect college student. But one night, when she attends an underground floating fight ring, and she meets Travis "Mad Dog" Maddox all of that is about to change. Travis is Eastern U's walking One Night stand, famous for his fights and his sex life, he is everything Abby was hoping to avoid. But can she resist Travis?
From the first page of this book, I fell in love. Everything about this book is awesome, and I can't believe that I've never heard of this book before. Travis is the ultimate sex symbol, but when we get to know him, it only makes me love him more. Abby thinks she knows what she wants, but like most college students, she actually has no idea. But I love her too, because she is so level headed, but at the same time head over heels (without even really knowing it). The story of Travis and Abby is a roller coaster ride of emotions, and I enjoyed every moment of it. I hear that the book Walking Disaster is coming out April 2013, and it will be in Travis' point of view! so excited!
Finale (Hush Hush #4)
By Becca Fitzpatrick
4.5 out of 5
The much anticipated conclusion to the Hush Hush saga (even if I'm still holding out for an Encore). Nora is forced to lead the Nephilim army, and the fact that she is dating a fallen angel is not going to go over well. But no worries, Nora stages a fake break up with Patch, and begins a fake relationship with the Black Hand's right hand man, Dante. What could go wrong? Nora is just looking for peace for all sides, but with each passing moment, that seems less and less likely to happen. How will Nora lead the Nephilim army to peace, fulfill her oath to the Black Hand, and end up with her epic love, Patch?
I have loved this series from it's first few pages, and I am so sorry to see it end. Nora and Patch's world was such an exceptional place to live in, even if for only a little bit. As far as a series ender, this book did it's job excellently. The series had a proper ending, in traditional fallen angel/Nephilim fashion, including blood, danger, and never ending love. My heart goes out to Scott (oh Scott!)--my one regret. I must say, that I love how throughout the entire book, Patch refers to Nora as "my girl", got to say that that is drop dead sexy. I loved this book, and I especially loved the series. Hopefully waiting for an Encore, but it doesn't look likely given how well the book was ended, and the epilogue on the end. But keep your fingers crossed, and I will gladly read anything else Becca Fitzpatrick writes.