By Marie Lu

In a futuristic time, the United States is no longer. In it's place is the Republic, which occupies the west coast. The Republic is at war with the Colonies and the Partriots, two other civilizations placed in the United States land. Enter Day, a fifteen year old criminal who is the Republics most wanted. To outsiders it seems like Day is just trying to sabotage the Republic in their attempts at victory, but his motives are actually much more personal. Then there's June, the Republic's child prodigy, the golden girl of the future. When June's brother is killed, Day is the main suspect, and June goes undercover in order to find him and bring him in. But will she happen if she finds him? And what if Day is actually the one in the right?
This book follows in the Hunger Games, futuristic footsteps, but that is the only bad thing I can say about it. Full of conspiracy, adventure, and romance, this book is a completely different dystopia. I liked Day right from the beginning, and I just liked him more and more as it went on. The characters really relate well together, and it is easy to understand why they do what they do. One little thing, they describe Day as having long hair, which he ties back in a pony tail. They also describe him as very handsome. Personally, I'm not a fan of long hair on men, but other than that, he sounds dreamy! Second book, Prodigy, comes out late January.
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