By Melissa Jensen

Ella Marino has survived two years of high school with her bottom of the social hierarchy position and her unrequited love for her schools founder, Edward Willing, who has been dead for 100 years. Ella understands that she doesn't have a chance with Edward, him being dead and all, but to her, Edward seems to be the perfect man. In the real world, Alex Bainbridge is the one who holds Ella's affections, but he is dating the psycho bitch, Amanda. But things are never all they seem, and everything is about to change. Alex is tasked with tutoring Ella in French, and Ella is tasked with researching Edward Willing for her thesis paper. Will feelings and relationships change due to all of this alone time?? God we sure hope so :))
A cute book, with a great story about a young girl growing into her own skin, literally. The story of Ella is charming, but in a predictable kind of way. The quiet girl who has no self confidence, snags the high school hottie, who turns out to be a great guy and not some airhead dick. Of course the girl has the two best friends, who help her through every struggle and feel that she is way better than the hottie who has stolen her heart.
But having said all this, I still adored the book, and I squealed with joy whenever Ella and Alex had their cute romantic moments. Such a cute chick flick, and it was a perfect escape from an emotional rollercoaster of the first month of college.
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