By Maggie Steifvater

4 out of 5
Ok, this was read in a pre-cross-atlantic-flight-won't-be-home-for-months fury. Luckily, that did not tamper the book for me. I thought it was interesting and different and I liked the characters and the story. I, unlike Blue, was instantly drawn to Gansey, but I always crush on the charming handsome boys, they are my weakness. Adam is the type of boy that would like me, and one I would actually get with, but the Ganseys of the world have an incredible pull on me :) Anyway, back to the story. I liked how it started in the beginning, we know what is going to happen. Gansey is going to die. Blue is most likely going to be the cause. And then the story unfolds. The ley lines. The generations of characters. They mystery and the endless questions that envelope the town of Henrietta. IT was an exciting read, and I definitely want to read the next book in the series, I just don't when that will be.
**Sorry, I finished this a week ago, but I have been traveling with a crazy schedule so I haven't been able to post**
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