Monday, August 12, 2013

Awakening (Hope Trilogy #1)
By Lauren Ashley

3.5 out of 5

Emma Hope is a normal teenage girl, living her life quietly without any drama or mystery. If only this were true. When a new student comes to school, and has his sights set on Emma, things begin to change very quickly. But Connor's not into Emma for her looks, he's interested because she is a descendant of a godlike being known as the El-ahren. With this realization, Emma is thrust into danger, and she has no choice but to comply to her new life. With a small group of loyal protectors, Emma must leave everything she has ever known, and begin a journey that will awaken her powers and fulfill her destiny, no matter the costs.

This book was definitely a good read. I don't think I've ever read anything like this. Lauren Ashley's story is completely original, and it is exciting to read such a fresh idea.
In the beginning, Emma is such an introvert, that it kind of makes me uncomfortable. I think that I am kind of an introvert, but Emma is so extreme I didn't know how to deal with her. But then the craziness which is Connor comes along. I really liked that part of the story, because it was so unexpected and it really gave me an idea of what this book was going to be like. And then of course the truth comes out. If I were Emma, I would have asked more questions and I would have voiced my opinions about the whole thing, but I guess that she is an introvert, so she wouldn't have done that.
Then Jordan shows up. From what I've gleaned from the story, Jordan and Emma were just friends before he left? (Correct me if I'm wrong) And Emma thought that they were heading towards a relationship before his unexpected disappearing act. And then he shows up again, and she is furious--as she should be. In my opinion, Emma lets Jordan off too easily. And then suddenly they are a hot and heavy couple. What? That was quiet a turn of emotions. Speaking of this relationship, I don't feel that they are dating. From what is in the book, all they do is make out. That one night when Emma is nervous, and she goes to Jordan's room, she doesn't talk to him about her feelings, she just kisses him to make herself fee better. That is not a relationship, that is a traveling hook-up. But if they're both good with it, whatever.
I don't know if I trust Sebastian and Griffin. They kept doing things that seemed shady to me. I will just have to see what happens.

All in all, it was a good book, and I'm glad I read it. It was action packed, with plenty of twists and some heartbreaking scenes. And of course, the ending leaves you dying to know what happens next!

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a honest review.

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