By Gabrielle Zevin

Anya Balachine is released from Liberty, but that doesn't mean that her problems are over. She has been expelled from Trinity, so she has to find a new high school to go to for her senior year. Her best friend, Scarlet, seems to be getting far too cozy with the awful Gable Arsley, and maybe the worst thing, Win has a new girlfriend. Annie feels that she is all alone, and the family is looking to her for direction. Annie doesn't know what to do, but luckily she doesn't have to worry for long because Charles Delacroix seems to still have it out for her, and before long, Anya finds herself back in prison. But not for long, Annie manages to escape, and has to go into hiding for a period of time. What will happen to Natty while Anya is away? And what of the chocolate? Who will try and take power while Annie is out of the picture? And maybe, they want to make Annie's disappearance more permanent? Anya Balachine has plenty to do, and she has almost no time to do it.
There is so much action in this book, I was never bored. I like Anya and I feel her very relatable even though her life is so different from mine. She is an amazing young girl, who has so much on her plate and she deals with all of it so well. Yes she makes mistakes, but she is smart enough not to let one mistake her ruin all of her plans. She is strong and independent but she does love Win and they really are so cute together. If there I was one thing I would change, is that I would add more scenes of Win and Annie alone. Everything was so business, business, business, that sometimes, I forgot that she had a boyfriend. Crazy twists in the story, and I can't wait to see what will happen next!
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